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CA SB 445

About the Act

SB 445 Pupil instruction and services: homeless children: foster children.

This act adds California Education Code section (Ca. Educ. Code §) 48852.7 with regards to school of origin rights, matriculation pattern rights, and the definition of school of origin for students experiencing homelessness, as outlined below.

Ca. Educ. Code § 48852.7

  • The local educational agency (LEA) shall allow a homeless student to continue at his/her school of origin through the duration of homelessness. 
  • If the student’s homeless status changes to permanent housing status before the end of the academic year, then either of the following applies: 
    • If the student is in high school, the LEA shall allow the formerly homeless student to continue his/her education in the school of origin through graduation. 
    • If the student is in kindergarten or any of grades 1-8, the LEA shall allow the formerly homeless child to continue his/her education in the school of origin through the duration of the school year.
  • To ensure the homeless student has the benefit of matriculating with his/her peers in accordance with the established feeder patterns of school districts the following apply: 
    • If the student is transitioning between school grade levels, the LEA shall allow the student to continue in the school district of origin in the same attendance area.
    • If the student is transitioning to a middle school or high school, and the school designated for matriculation is in another school district, the LEA shall allow the homeless child to continue to the school designated for matriculation in the district of origin. 
  • The new school shall immediately enroll the student even if the student has outstanding fees, fines, textbooks, or other items or money due to the school last attended or is unable to produce clothing or records normally required for enrollment. 
  • Definition of school of origin: 
    • School that the homeless student attended when permanently housed or the school in which the homeless student was last enrolled. 
    • If the school the student attended when permanently housed is different from the school in which the homeless child was last enrolled, or if there is another school that the student attended with which the student is connected and had attended within the immediately preceding 15 months, the educational liaison through consultation with the educational rights holder and student shall determine, in the best interests of the homeless child, the school that shall be deemed the school of origin. 
