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National Center for Homeless Education: Transportation webpage

This National Center for Homeless Education webpage provides informational and practical resources on transporting students experiencing homelessness.

SchoolHouse Connection: Meeting the Transportation Needs of Students Experiencing Homelessness webpage

This SchoolHouse Connection webpage provides informational and practical resources to help schools meet the transportation needs of students experiencing homelessness.

Sample Materials

Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD): Transportation Agreement

This transportation agreement explains MMSD's transportation guidelines to parents of students experiencing homelessness.

Sample Letter/Form to Families Regarding Prepaid Gas Cards

This sample prepaid gas card letter/form outlines how gas cards provided to a parent/caregiver or unaccompanied youth by the school district may be used to meet student school transportation needs.

Santa Clara County Office of Education: Transitional District Transportation Agreement

This interdistrict transportation agreement outlines the responsibilities of participating school districts for transporting McKinney-Vento eligible students to and from the school of origin in cases when the student resides in one district and attends school in another.

Spokane Public Schools: Transportation Agreement

This agreement, developed by HEART (Homeless Education and Resource Team) at Spokane Public Schools, outlines the district's transportation policy and guidelines for students experiencing homelessness. It requires the signature of the homeless student's parent or guardian or of the homeless unaccompanied youth.

Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth: Sample School of Origin Transportation Parent Letter

This sample letter explains school bus transportation guidelines, including effects of student no-show and caregiver no-call, to parents or caregivers of students experiencing homelessness.