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Title I, Part A


California Department of Education: Supporting Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Using Title I, Part A

This California Department of Education (CDE) PowerPoint presentation addresses federal and state requirements related to the Title I, Part A reservation of funds for children and youth experiencing homelessness, including allowable usages of funds, methods for determining the LEA set-aside amount, and state reporting requirements.

California Department of Education: Title I, Part A webpage

This CDE webpage outlines how federal Title I, Part A funds help to meet the educational needs of students in California schools. The webpage addresses a variety of topics related to Title I, Part A administration, including authorized usages of funds, comparability of services, equitable services for students attending private schools, funds reservation (including for students experiencing homelessness), and supplement not supplant.

California Department of Education: Title I, Part A Reservation Funds for Homeless Education Overview
(Note: This file will download to your downloads folder as a Microsoft Word document)

This CDE resource provides an overview of Title I, Part A supports for students experiencing homelessness, including the definition of homeless, Title I, Part A reservation funds, and LEA requirements.

National Center for Homeless Education: Serving Students Experiencing Homelessness under Title I, Part A

This National Center for Homeless Education brief examines how Title I, Part A intersects with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act regarding serving students experiencing homelessness, and offers strategies for collaboration between the Title I, Part A and McKinney-Vento programs for serving students experiencing homelessness.

SchoolHouse Connection: Title I Part A: Law, Guidance, and Use of Funds webpage

This SchoolHouse Connection webpage provides informational and practical resources on supporting children and youth experiencing homelessness under Title I, Part A.

Sample Materials

Needs Assessment to Determine Services for Homeless Students in Title I, Part A Set-Aside Funding (Washington state)

This needs assessment from the Washington state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction helps local educational agencies determine an appropriate Title I, Part A set-aside for serving students experiencing homelessness based on guiding questions, data, and allowable usages of set-aside funds.