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Self-Care and Wellness for Practitioners


National Center on Family Homelessness: What About You? A Workbook for Those Who Work with Others

This National Center on Family Homelessness toolkit aims to help providers of services to people experiencing homelessness take care of themselves, their families, and their organizations. The toolkit includes both informational and practical resources for supporting self-care, family care, and a healthy organizational culture.

National Health Care for the Homeless Council: Trauma-Informed Organizations Change Package

This National Health Care for the Homeless Council  change package provides practical guidance for organizations in developing a system-wide trauma-informed understanding. The package focuses on eight trauma-informed principles, including practitioner self-care.

San Diego County Office of Education: Virtual Wellness Center

This San Diego County Office of Education webpage aims to support the well-being of staff, students, and parents by connecting them to calming activities and tools to promote health and wellness.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Homeless Resources, Self-Care for Providers

This resource list from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides self-care resources to help homeless service providers who experience feelings of anxiety and sadness during the course of their work.