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Human Trafficking: Awareness, Prevention, and Response


Human Trafficking in America's Schools: What Schools Can Do to Prevent, Respond, and Help Students to Recover From Human Trafficking (2nd edition)

This National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments guide provides awareness of the current prevalence of child trafficking and the forms it takes; information on risk factors and indicators of child trafficking; details about three prevention tiers and the implications for schools’ role in addressing child trafficking; information on how professional development of school staff and prevention education for students and families can reduce the likelihood of trafficking; and details on how policies, protocols, and partnerships with other community sectors can help prevent trafficking.

National Center for Homeless Education: Trafficking and the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) webpage

This National Center for Homeless Education webpage provides informational and practical resources on recognizing the signs of, preventing, and responding to the trafficking of minors.

National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) and Hotline website

This website, operated by Polaris, provides informational resources about human trafficking and supports available through the National Human Trafficking Hotline. The hotline connects victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe. The Trafficking Hotline also receives tips about potential situations of sex and labor trafficking and facilitates reporting that information to the appropriate authorities in certain cases.
Download the NHTRC Comprehensive Human Trafficking Assessment
Download the NHTRC Human Trafficking Assessment for Runaway and Homeless Youth
Download the NHTRC Tools for Educators

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Human Trafficking Prevention Month webpage

This U.S. Department of Health and Human Services webpage aims to educate, empower, and provide resources to social service providers, healthcare and behavioral healthcare providers, school-based professionals, and other allied professionals to increase awareness and foster partnerships to help prevent and respond to human trafficking. It also provides resources - including sample proclamations, social media images and messages, and editable templates - to help highlight the importance of building human trafficking prevention initiatives involving multiple-sector collaborations.

U.S. Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime: Child Trafficking Survivor Novels and Audiobooks

Child and youth victims of trafficking have unique needs and experiences, both in terms of the dynamics of their exploitation and their potential interaction with the criminal justice system as a victim-defendant. Based on the input of national experts, these materials are intended to teach child and youth victims of trafficking between the ages of 12−18 about how the justice system works, what their rights are, the roles of the different practitioners they might meet, and how they can cope with the difficult feelings they might have. Novels also include excerpts from individuals with lived experience, who offer support and information to the reader who might find themselves in a similar situation. (available in English, African French, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese)
Download the novels | Listen to the audiobooks

Youth Collaboratory: Hidden in Plain Sight: Understanding and Combating Familial Trafficking

Familial trafficking — which includes child labor exploitation, domestic servitude, commercial sexual exploitation, and forced marriage — is an often hidden and underreported form of trafficking despite the fact that studies have found that up to half of human trafficking globally is perpetrated by family members. This 3-module toolkit introduces readers to the forms and contributing factors of familial trafficking, provides important signs and indicators of trafficking to look for in youth and young adults, and outlines strategies for combating familial trafficking in your community.

Sample Materials 

San Diego County Office of Education Human Trafficking Prevention Resource Guide webpage

This San Diego County Office of Education webpage provides informational resources and practical implementation tools for equipping schools, parents, and caregivers to understand and respond to the signs of human trafficking. Resources include age-appropriate school curricula, a human trafficking school safety protocol template, and training materials to address professional development requirements in California Education Code sections 51934 and 51950, as amended in 2017 by Assembly Bill (AB) 1227.