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Rural Education


Missed Opportunities: Youth Homelessness in Rural America

This Chapin Hall report highlights research related to the specific experiences of young people who reside in the vast areas of the country that have fewer people and more widely dispersed services. Findings show that rural youth homelessness is just as prevalent as homelessness in urban areas; however, in rural areas, youth experiences of homelessness are more likely to be hidden, and these youth face unique challenges accessing education, jobs, services, and support.

National Center for Homeless Education: Rural Homelessness webpage

This National Center for Homeless Education webpage provides informational and practical resources on supporting educational access and success for McKinney-Vento students living in rural areas.

Strengthening Systems for Ending Rural Homelessness: Promising Practices and Considerations

This U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness report explores the unique challenges of building effective rural homelessness response systems and provides an initial set of strategies communities can use to take advantage of their unique strengths. The report features the role of schools in coordinated community responses to homelessness in rural areas.

Student Homelessness in Rural America

This Institute for Children, Poverty, & Homelessness webpage examines data from the U.S. Department of Education to understand better the scope of rural student homelessness and what its rapid growth means for rural communities around the country.