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Partnerships and Collaboration

HETAC Resources

Building School-Community Partnerships in Support of Children, Youth, and Families Experiencing Homelessness (archived webinar)

This May 2023 HETAC webinar "makes the case" for the importance of school-community partnerships in support of children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness; explores partnership considerations, strategies, and action steps; spotlights school-community partnerships in San Diego County; and shares practical resources from the HETAC School-Community Partnerships Toolkit.

School-Community Partnerships Toolkit

This HETAC resource aims to support schools and community agencies in building mutually-beneficial, stable, and responsive partnerships that benefit partner agencies and the children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness they serve. It includes the following informational resources and practical tools:

  • Understanding Federal Definitions of Homelessness
  • Navigating Different Definitions of Homelessness in Partnership Work
  • Legislative Requirements for Collaboration in Support of Children, Youth, and Families Experiencing Homelessness
  • Building School-Community Partnerships in Support of Children, Youth, and Families Experiencing Homelessness (customizable slide deck)
  • Considering School-Community Partnerships Along a Spectrum
  • School-Community Partner Inventory (customizable contact gathering and organization tool)
  • Creating a Partnership Organization Charter or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (customizable tool)
  • School-Community Partnership Meeting Agenda Template and Task List (customizable tool)
  • Engaging People with Lived Experience of Homelessness


Other Resources

National Center for Homeless Education: Collaboration webpage

This National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) webpage provides informational and practical resources on partnering across educational programs and partner systems (housing, homeless response, workforce development, and more) in support of children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness.

YHDP Foundations and Beyond: Coordinated Community Plan

This U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development resource focuses on developing a coordinated community plan to prevent and end youth and young adult homelessness. It addresses the key plan components of statement of need, community partnerships, governance structure, and action plan. It shares why each plan component is important and action steps to take related to each component.