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Parent Engagement


California Department of Education: Family/Parent webpage
This California Department of Education (CDE) webpage provides information for schools, parents, and family members on partnering to support the education of their students and children.

National Center for Homeless Education: Parent Involvement webpage

This National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) webpage links to a variety of resources related to parent engagement in their children’s education and school-family partnerships.

National Center for Homeless Education: Parent Resources webpage

This NCHE webpage links to a variety of parent-facing resources to help equip parents to engage in their children’s education in a meaningful and effective way. Resources specific to families experiencing homelessness and parent support for children with disabilities are included.

National Parent-Teacher Association: Family Resources webpage

This National Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)  webpage links to a variety of parent-facing resources to help equip parents to engage in their children’s education in a meaningful and effective way.

Parent–Teacher Conference Tip Sheets (Hojas de Consejos Para Las Reuniones de Padres y Maestros)

This Harvard Family Research Project webpage links to role-specific tip sheets for principals, teachers, and parents to ensure that parent-teacher conferences achieve their maximum potential. Designed to be used as a set, the tip sheets combine consistent information with targeted suggestions, so that parents and educators enter conferences with shared expectations and an increased ability to work together to improve children's educational outcomes. Tip sheets are available in English and Spanish.

Parent-Teacher Organization: Parent Involvement webpage
This Parent-Teacher Organization webpage provides a variety of resources aimed at helping schools improve parent engagement.