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Extracurricular Activities


National Center for Homeless Education: Extra-curricular Participation of Homeless Students webpage

This National Center for Homeless Education webpage provides informational and practical resources on ensuring extra-curricular participation of students experiencing homelessness.

National Federation of State High School Associations: The Case for High School Activities
This National Federation of State High School Associations report underscores the important contribution made to students' personal and academic development by participation in extracurricular activities. The report provides compelling statistics about the benefits of student extracurricular engagement that can serve as useful information when advocating for a homeless student's ability to participate in these activities.

SchoolHouse Connection: Full Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities for Students Experiencing Homelessness webpage

This SchoolHouse Connection webpage explores McKinney-Vento Act provisions aimed at removing barriers to participation in extra-curricular activities for students experiencing homelessness, and provides examples of state policies to help implement them.

Sports Illustrated: Young, Gifted, and Homeless

This Sports Illustrated magazine feature highlights the struggle of tens of thousands of K-12 and college athletes who experience homelessness. The article and video explore how sports provide a way to survive, and even thrive, despite challenging circumstances.

Sample Materials 

Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction: Participation in Extracurricular Activities for Students Experiencing Homelessness

This Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) memo outlines how OSPI and the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) are working in collaboration to help school districts understand and implement McKinney-Vento Act provisions regarding access to extracurricular activities for students experiencing homelessness.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction: Athletics and Extracurriculars Guidance

This Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction webpage shares state guidance regarding removing barriers to extracurricular participation for students experiencing homelessness, including recommendations for collaboration between school district homeless liaisons and athletic directors.