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Credit Accrual


National Center for Homeless Education: Credit Accrual webpage

This National Center for Homeless Education webpage provides informational and practical resources on determining student eligibility for McKinney-Vento rights and services.

SchoolHouse Connection: Awarding and Accepting Partial Credits for Students Experiencing Homelessness webpage

This SchoolHouse Connection webpage, developed in partnership with a school counselor, is designed to help school counselors and registrars calculate, award, and receive partial credits, leading to increased high school graduation and decreased future risk for homelessness for students experiencing homelessness.

Sample Materials 

California’s Partial Credit Model Policy: Improving the Educational Outcomes of Foster Youth

This manual from the California School Boards Association and the California Department of Social Services provides a guide for school districts and child welfare agencies on how to help ensure that foster youth are able to earn credits for school work despite challenges associated with high residential or school mobility. The lessons learned are applicable to support other highly mobile student groups, including homeless and migrant students.