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LGBTQIA+ Students

HETAC Resources

Supporting LGBTQI+ Students Experiencing Homelessness (archived webinar)

This August 2022 HETAC webinar, cohosted by the Contra Costa County Office of Education and the Rainbow Community Center, explores underlying causes of homelessness among LGBTQI+ youth, how to support LGBTQI+ students at risk of or experiencing homelessness so they feel affirmed and have an adult ally, and best practices for fostering a culture of acceptance.

Other Resources

American Psychological Association: Promoting Resiliency for Gender Diverse and Sexual Minority Students in Schools webpage

This American Psychology Association webpage recommends best practices for educators based on the latest research on the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, gender diverse, questioning and intersex students. Topics covered include gender diversity among students, helping to support families with LGBT children and youth, risk factors and resiliency factors within schools around health and well-being of LGBT youth, and basic facts about gender diversity and sexual orientation among children and youth.

California Department of Education: Supporting LGBTQ+ Students webpage

This California Department of Education webpage shares instructional guidance, law, and policies for local educational agencies to support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ+) students and provide safe learning environments that protect the health and safety of these students. The webpage also includes a curated list of California regional organizations and guidance for the support of LGBTQ+ students, educators, and families; and strategies to increase support for LGBTQ+ students.

California LGBTQ Youth Report

This report from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation summarizes findings from survey responses from 1,700 California-based LGBTQ youth who participated in a 2017 national survey. Topics include the importance of family support, the need for confidentiality, LGBTQ students and mental health, LGBTQ-Inclusive policies, staff training and professional development, the power of student activism, and more.

Creating Inclusive and Nondiscriminatory School Environments for LGBTQI+ Students

This U.S. Department of Education toolkit shares sample policies and practices that schools and school districts can consider developing to support LGBTQIA+ students and families. It also highlights federal resources that schools, students, and parents may find helpful in working to ensure that all students are free to learn in an educational environment free from discrimination.

Laws and Policies Protecting LGBTQ Youth in California Public Schools

This two-page resource from The Los Angeles LGBT Center summarizes federal and California state laws that protect LGBTQ youth in California public schools related to issues such as non-discrimination, harassment, expression, privacy, health education and care, and more.

Laws and Policies Protecting LGBTQ+ Youth in Systems of Care

This two-page resource from The Los Angeles LGBT Center summarizes federal and California state laws that protect LGBTQ+ youth in foster care related to issues such as safety, education, mental health care, and more.

Los Angeles LGBT Center: Experiences of LGBTQ+ Youth

This one-page resource from the Los Angeles LGBT Center shares key data points regarding disparities and inequities in the experiences of LGBTQ+ youth.

Los Angeles LGBT Center: Glossary of Terms (in English | en español)

This glossary of terms from the Los Angeles LGBT Center shares terms and definitions related to sexual orientation and gender identity that may be helpful when working with LGBTQ+ youth.

Los Angeles LGBT Center: Inclusive Book Lists

These book lists from the Los Angeles LGBT Center share LGBTQ+-inclusive books for learners from early childhood through high school.
Celebrating Difference: LGBTQ+ Inclusive Book List, 2019
RISE Program Inclusive Book List for Youth

Managing Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression (SOGIE) Information

This two-page resource from The Los Angeles LGBT Center recommends best practices for service providers related to collecting, recording, and sharing information about young people's SOGIE.

Missed Opportunities: LGBTQ Youth Homelessness in America

This Chapin Hall report highlights research related to the specific experiences of young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) and face homelessness.

National Center for Homeless Education: LGBTQ Youth Experiencing Homelessness webpage

This National Center for Homeless Education webpage links to a variety of resources related to supporting LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness.

Recognizing Our Roots Facilitation Guide

This resource from the Los Angeles LGBT Center is designed to help individuals visually trace their story of gender back to its roots while engaging in principles of self-determination in relation to gender. This practice may help participants bring into awareness their own growth with gender and support them to recognize that their gender tree tells a story that exists among a vast forest of valid stories
of gender.

Safety Planning for LGBTQ+ Youth Using Motivational Interviewing Techniques

This resource from the Los Angeles LGBT Center will help practitioners integrate motivational interviewing into safety planning for LGBTQ+ youth to establish a collaborative partnership with youth, enhance their resilience, and enable them to navigate their environments in relation to their sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE) with greater confidence and security.

SOGIE Handbook (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression  Affirming Approach and Expansive Practices)

One Circle Foundation's SOGIE Handbook serves as a guide to expand understanding and knowledge of terminology, definitions, an affirming approach, and best practices in working with youth along the SOGIE spectra
Download the SOGIE Handbook in English | en español

Student Homelessness Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Equity: Disproportionality and Action Steps for Schools

This SchoolHouse Connection issue brief summarizes findings from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey on students identifying as LGBTQ+ - including their likelihood of experiencing homelessness and educational challenges and risk factors - and recommends action steps for schools to address the needs of LGBTQ+ students experiencing homelessness.

Students and Gender Identity: A Toolkit for Schools

This toolkit from the University of Southern California provides a collection of tools and resources to support conversations surrounding gender identity in the classroom. The toolkit aims to help teachers, school counselors, and school communities work together to create a safe and nurturing school climate for all students.

Supporting and Affirming LGBTQIA2S+ Youth and Young Adults: Tip Sheet

This tip sheet was developed as a tool to support Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) programs, organizations, and their communities by outlining effective practices for supporting, affirming, and improving outcomes for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, asexual, and two-spirit, as well as non-binary and gender expansive  (LGBTQIA2S+) youth and young adults. Many of these effective practices are rooted in trauma-informed care and Positive Youth Development evidence-based frameworks. The detailed recommendations identify actionable steps organizations can take to provide safe, supportive, and affirming services. 

Trevor Project: Homelessness and Housing Instability Among LGBTQ Youth webpage

This Trevor Project webpage shares information about homelessness and housing instability among LBGTQ youth, including key research findings and recommendations for addressing service and support needs and gaps.

True Colors United website

True Colors United implements innovative solutions to youth homelessness that focus on the unique experiences of LGBTQ young people. Their website shares about the organization’s work — including training, advocacy, and youth engagement — and provides a variety of resources related to LGBTQ homelessness.