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Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Students

HETAC Resources

Supporting Evacuee and Refugee Children and Youth Under McKinney-Vento

This HETAC tip sheet recommends strategies for determining the McKinney-Vento eligibility of evacuee and refugee children and youth, suggests best practices to ensure the immediate enrollment and appropriate class placement of McKinney-Vento eligible evacuee and refugee children and youth, and shares resources for more information.

Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Students Experiencing Homelessness (archived webinar)

This January 2023 HETAC webinar, hosted by the Contra Costa County Office of Education in collaboration with SchoolHouse Connection, explores the educational rights of immigrant and refugee students, best practices to help newcomer students join their schools and feel welcome, and immigrant legal services and resettlement supports.

Other Resources

California Department of Education: Migrant/International Education webpage

This California Department of Education (CDE) webpage shares about CDE's supplemental programs designed to strengthen the school, community, and family experiences of migrant and international children and their families, including CDE's Migrant Education Program and Binational Migrant Education Program (an international program between the Mexico Secretary of Public Education of Mexico and CDE).

California Department of Social Services: Refugee Programs Bureau webpage

This Refugee Programs Bureau (RFB) webpage shares about RFB's work and links to a variety of webpages related to supporting newcomers to California, including Afghan Arrival ResponseOffice of Immigrant Youth, and Ukrainian Arrivals.

National Center for Homeless Education: Immigrants and Refugees webpage

This National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) webpage provides informational and practical resources on supporting immigrant and refugee students experiencing homelessness.

National Center for Homeless Education: Migrant Students webpage

This NCHE webpage provides informational and practical resources on supporting migrant students experiencing homelessness.

National Center for Youth Law: Educational Advocacy for Unaccompanied Immigrant Youth in California

This resource provides advocates for unaccompanied immigrant youth in federal immigration custody and youth recently released from custody with a summary of the laws and policies available to advocate for these children’s meaningful access to education. References to supports for immigrant youth experiencing homelessness are included.

Newcomer Toolkit

The National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Education's Office of English Language Acquisition, developed this toolkit to help equip classroom teachers, principals, and other school and school district staff who work directly with immigrant students—including asylees and refugees—and their families. The toolkit covers a variety of topics related to supporting newcomer students and provides both useful information and sample implementation tools.

Refugee Housing Solutions: Federal Housing Program Eligibility for Newcomers

This two-page tool provides detailed information about newcomer eligibility for federal housing programs and links to housing program websites and additional related resources for more information.

SchoolHouse Connection: Resources to Support Immigrant and Migrant Students Experiencing Homelessness webpage

This SchoolHouse Connection webpage provides an overview of the rights of immigrant, migrant, and undocumented children and youth; strategies and best practices for supporting immigrant and migrant children, youth, and families; and ideas for using federal homeless education funds to serve these populations.

Sesame Street in Communities: Displacement and Resettlement webpage

This Sesame Street webpage shares supportive resources for families and children who have left their home country and resettled in a new place. Resources are included for families, children, and service providers and in a variety of languages, including Dari, Pashto, Russian, and Ukrainian.