Homeless Innovative Program (HIP) Toolkits
About California Homeless Innovative Programs (HIP) Grants
Using federal American Rescue Plan-Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY) funds, the California Department of Education (CDE) funded 20 local educational agency (LEA) grantees to implement Homeless Innovative Programs (HIPs) to identify innovative practices previously implemented and aligned with the provisions of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and to improve the educational stability, access, support, and academic achievement of children and youth experiencing homelessness. Based on the implementation of their HIP program models, HIP grantees developed model innovative practice (MIP) toolkits to document their learnings and provide practical implementation resources for other LEAs and/or partner agencies that wish to implement a similar program model. |
Download a California Homeless Innovative Programs (HIP) Grantee Map |
Download HIP Model Innovative Practice Toolkits
MIP toolkits focus on a variety of homeless education issues that aligned to Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) priority areas, including:
- Student identification
- Providing students with wraparound services, including case management
- Parent engagement
- Mentor recruitment and training
- Building school-community partnerships with a variety of public and private partners
- Implementing family resource centers
- Using art and restorative practices to support student and family well-being
- Elevating the voice of youth with lived experience of homelessness
- Implementing school-based emergency shelter
- Implementing multi-tiered systems of support
Browse California Homeless Innovative Program Model Innovative Practice toolkits