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California Data Resources 

California Department of Education: Applying Homeless Education Data at the Local Level (recorded webinar)

This May 2022 CDE webinar explores homeless education data that are available at the local level, how to access local-level homeless education data, and how to use homeless education data to inform local program planning and implementation.

California Department of Education: California School Dashboard website

The California School Dashboard provides parents and educators with meaningful information on school and district progress so they can participate in decisions to improve student learning.
CDE's' Dashboard Communications Toolkit includes helpful resources for sharing about dashboard data with a variety of audiences, including parents and educators.
CDE's School Dashboard Additional Reports and Data webpage provides access to the following additional reports: the Five-by-Five Placement Reports, the College/Career Reports, the Graduation Rate Additional Report, the Participation Rate Report, the Student Groups Report, and District/Charter Performance by County Reports.

California Department of Education: Cumulative Enrollment Data webpage

This CDE webpage links to downloadable files of cumulative enrollment data consisting of the total number of unduplicated primary and short-term enrollments within each academic year (July 1 to June 30), regardless of whether the student is enrolled multiple times within a school or district. Data can be filtered by student homeless status (ReportingCategory "SH").

California Department of Education: Data and Donuts webinar series

The California Department of Education (CDE) partners with the California Homeless Education Technical Assistance Center (HETAC) to host monthly Data and Donuts homeless education data office hours throughout the school year. In these sessions, attendees dig into homeless education data with CDE and become better equipped to leverage data to inform their work. Access recordings and materials from previous Data and Donuts sessions.

California Department of Education: Downloadable Data Files webpage

This CDE webpage links to a variety of downloadable files about California's students, teachers, and schools by topic area, including enrollment, assessment and accountability, English learners, foster youth, free or reduced-price meal, graduates and dropouts, and staff and course data. Many downloadable data files can be filtered by student homeless status (ReportingCategory "SH").

California Department of Education: Homeless Student Enrollment Geographic Information System (GIS) Map

This CDE interactive map shows homeless student enrollment using census day data ("point in time" rather than cumulative school-year) by local educational agency (LEA).

California Department of Education: Homeless Children and Youth Data webpage

This CDE webpage links to a variety of data reports on students experiencing homelessness in California.

California Department of Education: Homeless Youth in California Schools webpage

This CDE webpage’s Data & Outcomes tab shares recent state-level educational outcomes for students experiencing homelessness.

California Homeless Youth Project: California Youth Homelessness Data Hub

This California Homeless Youth Project website shares a variety of data points related to youth homelessness in California. Different data points are available by clicking on the Data Dashboard and other tabs at the top of the webpage.


National Data Resources 

National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE): Data webpage

This National Center for Homeless Education webpage links to a variety of resources related to data on homeless education and homelessness, including information on collecting homeless education data as required annually of state education departments and school districts by the U.S. Department of Education, and access to a variety of sources of national- and state-level data.

National Center for Homeless Education: Student Homelessness in America: School Years 2020-21 to 2022-23

This NCHE report shares critical insights about student homelessness enrolled in U.S. public schools, examining trends from school years 2020-21 through 2022-23. Data on students experiencing homelessness include total number of enrolled students, demographics, primary nighttime residences, chronic absenteeism rates, and high school graduation rates. The report also provides state-level data on subgroups among students experiencing homelessness, including English learners, students with disabilities, and unaccompanied youth.

SchoolHouse Connection: Child and Youth Homelessness in the United States: Data Profiles

This SchoolHouse Connection webpage, developed in partnership with Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan, provides searchable and interactive data profiles to raise awareness of the scale and impact of homelessness on children and youth and underscore the need for action to meet their needs. These profiles make homeless education and related data available at the national, state, county, school district, and congressional district levels.

SchoolHouse Connection: Student Homelessness: Lessons from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) webpage

This SchoolHouse Connection webpage compiles YRBS research, practice, and advocacy tools to provide convenient access to those who wish to understand what the YRBS reveals about students experiencing homelessness, and how to use this information in their own work.

Sample Materials

Aligning Education and Housing: Data Sharing Agreement Template

This sample template from the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities seeks to foster data sharing between housing and other sector organizations in order to improve efficiency, reduce duplication of efforts, and increase holistic care for low-income children. It draws upon successfully implemented data sharing agreements between housing authorities and other organizations. The template allows for flexibility by permitting the insertion and deletion of parts where indicated to fit community needs.

Seattle Public Schools: Data Sharing Agreements
These Seattle Public Schools agreements allow for the sharing of identifiable or non-identifiable student data with community-based organizations under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act’s institutional service exemption.
Learn more about Seattle Public Schools’ data access for partners.