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Store Cards and Prepaid Debit Cards


U.S. Department of Education (ED): American Rescue Plan-Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY) Dear Colleague Letter

ED’s ARP-HCY Dear Colleague Letter includes the following as an allowable usage of local educational agency (LEA) ARP-HCY funds: “Providing store cards/prepaid debit cards to purchase materials necessary for students to participate in school activities.” (page 4)

U.S. Department of Education (ED): Education for Homeless Children and Youths (EHCY) Program Non-Regulatory Guidance

ED’s EHCY Program Guidance recommends the following strategy for addressing the McKinney-Vento Act’s requirements related to transporting students experiencing homelessness: “Develop a system of providing gas vouchers, cards, or reimbursements to parents or youths who are able and willing to drive to school.” (page 31)

Sample Materials

Sample Store Card/Prepaid Debit Card Agreement

This sample store card/prepaid debit card agreement outlines what items may and may not be purchased with cards provided to a parent/caregiver or unaccompanied youth by an LEA. In California, LEA means a school district, county office of education, or charter school.

Sample Store Card/Prepaid Debit Card Policies and Procedures

This sample store card/prepaid debit card policy outlines how the LEA will administer the usage of cards provided to families or youth in support of students’ school participation.

Sample Prepaid Laundromat Card Form

This sample prepaid laundromat card form outlines how laundromat cards and detergent provided to a parent/caregiver or unaccompanied youth by the LEA may be used to assist with clean clothes and uniforms in support of school participation.

Sample Letter/Form to Families Regarding Prepaid Gas Cards

This sample prepaid gas card letter/form outlines how gas cards provided to a parent/caregiver or unaccompanied youth by the LEA may be used to meet student school transportation needs.

Sample Merchant Card Controls and Procedures

This sample merchant card controls and procedures document outlines how the LEA will administer the usage of gift cards provided to families or youth in support of students’ school participation.