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Disaster Preparation and Response


Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation: Helping Children and Families Respond to the Psychological Impact of Wildfires

This resource identifies common reactions that children of varying ages and developmental stages may have in response to wildfires and recommends strategies for how to help.

American Red Cross: Picking Up the Pieces After a Disaster: Important Steps for Your Safe and Speedy Recovery

This American Red Cross resource recommends safety and recovery precautions to take in the aftermath of a disaster as well as ideas on what to do to help make yourself and your home safer from future disasters.

California Department of Education: Disaster Guidance for Child Nutrition Programs webpage

This California Department of Education webpage provides policy guidance and resources to program operators during state and federally-declared disasters to ensure that children continue to have access to nutritious meals.
Companion resource: December 2023 California Nutrition Services Division Management Bulletin

California Department of Education: Disaster Preparation and Response webpage

This California Department of Education webpage offers guidance, grants, training, and resources for local educational agencies (LEAs) related to the management of natural disasters and emergency hazards.

California State University, Chico: Your Playbook on How to Support Children, Youth, and Families During and After a Wildfire

This California State University, Chico (Chico State) resource serves as a comprehensive playbook for those who work with children, youth, and families in the event of a fire or the threat of a fire in or near their community. The playbook shares information and practical resources (e.g. guided conversation scripts, to-do lists, and sample social media posts) organized by topics such as immediate response logistics, recovery logistics, managing donations, resources for families, and self-care.

National Association of School Psychologists: Helping Children After a Wildfire: Tips for Parents and Teachers

This National Association of School Psychologists resource provides tips for parents and teachers on how to support children's coping strategies in the aftermath of a wildfire through fostering supportive relationships and helping children understand their own reactions.

National Center for Homeless Education: Disaster Preparation and Response webpage

This National Center for Homeless Education webpage provides informational and practical resources on serving students who have been displaced and are experiencing homelessness as the result of a disaster.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Parent Guidelines for Helping Children Impacted by Wildfires

This National Child Traumatic Stress Network fact sheet offers parents guidance on helping their children after a wildfire. It describes common reactions children may have after a wildfire, what to do to help, and self-care tips for parents.
Available in Spanish: Guía para Padres con Hijos Que Han Sido Afectados por Incendios

SchoolHouse Connection: Supporting Children and Youth Displaced by Disasters: Five Key Policies for Schools webpage

This SchoolHouse Connection webpage summarizes five key policies schools can implement to provide stability, normalcy, and support for children and youth who are displaced by disasters and provides quick tips for their implementation. The webpage also links to related resources for more information.

Youth Collaboratory: Emergency Preparedness Community Partner Checklist

This Youth Collaboratory checklist can help youth-serving organizations assess current emergency preparedness plans and develop stronger outcomes by identifying and establishing key partners and stakeholders, streamlining policies and procedures, and increasing overall community collaboration.

Sample Materials

Butte County Office of Education: Community Recovery webpage

This Butte County Office of Education (BCOE) webpage shares disaster preparation and response resources organized by topic and audience. Butte County was affected by the 2018 Camp Fire wildfire, the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California history.