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HETAC Live Training and Events Calendar

Learn more about upcoming live trainings and events of interest to homeless education practitioners, including those hosted by the California Homeless Education Technical Assistance Center (HETAC) and the California Department of Education’s Homeless Education program. Click on each event in the calendar to learn more, including how to register to participate. Attendance at some events is restricted to particular role groups (e.g., county office of education homeless liaisons) and therefore not open to the general public.

You also may want to visit the HETAC Recorded Trainings webpage, where you can access a series of brief recorded trainings on a variety of homeless education topics, including trainings tailored to specific role groups.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday, December 29
Monday, December 30
Tuesday, December 31
Wednesday, January 1
Thursday, January 2
Friday, January 3
Saturday, January 4
Sunday, January 5
Monday, January 6
Tuesday, January 7
Wednesday, January 8
Thursday, January 9
Friday, January 10
Saturday, January 11
Sunday, January 12
Monday, January 13
Tuesday, January 14
Wednesday, January 15
Thursday, January 16
Friday, January 17
Saturday, January 18
Sunday, January 19
Monday, January 20
Tuesday, January 21
Wednesday, January 22
Thursday, January 23
Friday, January 24
Saturday, January 25
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29
Saturday, February 1